2020 launch, construction updates, and what to expect this season…
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kyle Auton, and I am the new Marina Manager at Harbour West Marina.
I’ve been working for the port authority since 2010, and I spent the greater part of the last decade at the marina. I’m excited to be back and if I have not met you in person yet, I look forward to meeting you over the summer—either over the phone or in person out on the docks.
But enough about me! Spring is quickly approaching, and that means boating season isn’t too far behind. We’ve finished preparing the launch list for 2020, and have now sent out dates to all of our customers that hauled out and stored with us over the past winter season.
If you store with us and did not receive a launch date, please contact our marina office ([email protected]) and let us know so we can confirm your launch date for you.
If you live in the area, you may have also noticed the construction currently underway at Hamilton’s waterfront (Piers 5-7). As work on the West Harbour Redevelopment continues, we are keeping in regular contact with City of Hamilton’s project managers so that we can relay any pertinent updates to you. Speaking of which…
There are a few changes that will affect boating this season or in the years ahead, and they are listed and pictured below. Please be sure to download images if you do not see the map.
New Main Dock Entrance – As you can see below, the main walkway to the marina slips is being moved. By mid-April, the walkway will be accessible from the gas dock wall, and connect to I dock.
Marina Office – This summer our office operations will be running out of 1 Guise Street, directly in front of the gas dock, so we can serve you better.

New Entry Point for Vehicles – A new road off of Guise Street will be the main entry point to the marina, eventually. The existing vehicle gate located off of Discovery Drive will continue to be in operation at the beginning of the boating season until this construction is completed. (They’re aiming for June/July.)
Parking – At the start of the season, all of the existing parking (located off of Discovery Drive) will be available to marina customers. As the season progresses, the east parking area will see a reduction of available spaces around July/August. Parking will still be available to the west, and in the area behind the marina office (1 Guise Street), along the fence-line and up to the main gate at James Street. The City’s plan is to remove the fence-line this season, but we will send out an update regarding the timing of that work as development continues.
Those are the key updates we have for you right now, but please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. This is an exciting time of change and we here at Harbour West look forward to seeing you back for another summer!
Be sure to stop in to our office at 1 Guise Street on your way to the boat this season, for news about upcoming social events at the marina, and festivals happening in Hamilton, or just to brag about your boat.
Kyle Auton
Marina Manager
Harbour West Marina
[email protected]